This 3-Card Angel Tarot Spread is a quick check on where you are at the moment.

  • Card 1 gives us information about how the past may influence the question.
  • Card 2 speaks to us about the present situation and how the client is experiencing these circumstances.
    Card 3 tells us about the most likely outcome of the situation if no action is taken to change things.

I have chosen for the 3 Card Reading the Angel Tarot Cards from Radleigh Valentine. Those Angel Tarot Cards are beautiful and give a glow to any reading. Pleasant to the eye, and the colours and artwork by Steve A. Roberts are amazing.

Honestly, I am not a big fan of the original Tarot Cards.

There are more decks available from Radleigh Valentine. Here is his website.


Angel Tarot Cards The 3 Card Spread

Choose 3 Cards and see the Past, Present , Future . Before you choose your Cards , close your eyes and think of a question you want answered. Breath 3 x in and out than shuffle the cards and chose the first card. Shuffle again draw the second card. Shuffle again and draw the 3rd card.


Book a personal card reading with me.

  1. Past. Gives us information about how the past may be influencing the question at hand
  2. Present. Speaks to us about the present situation and how the client is experiencing these circumstances.
  3. Future. Tells us about the most likely outcome of the situation if no action is taken to change things.