How to Attract Abundance into Your Home?

Have you ever felt stuck in a rut, like the energy in your home just isn’t flowing? Well, that’s where Feng Shui comes in! It’s this ancient Chinese practice, kind of like a wise old friend for your living space. It all boils down to creating harmony between you and your surroundings.

Think of it like this: Everything has energy, even the objects in your home. Feng Shui helps you arrange things in a way that feels balanced and uplifting. It’s not aboutmagic spells or anything like that. It’s more about creating a space that reflects nature’s flow, just like how certain plants need sunlight to thrive.

We’ll discuss this “Chi” energy further later, but for now, let’s just say it’s the life force of your home! However, by understanding Feng Shui, you can create a more peaceful and positive environment.

Attract Abundance on a Budget: 8 Easy Feng Shui Fixes for Your Home.

What are the critical basic directions in your home that will attract abundance, health, and happiness?

North: Career and life path. Health and Longevity. Symbolized by water, representing stability and potential.

Northeast: Knowledge, education, and personal growth. Associated with earth, grounding and learning. East: Health, family, and new beginnings. Represented by wood, symbolizing growth and vitality. Southeast: Wealth and abundance. Also linked to wood, representing prosperity and opportunity.

South: Fame, reputation, and recognition. Associated with fire, symbolizing passion and energy. Southwest: Love, relationships, and marriage. Governed by earth, representing stability and nurturing. West: Children, creativity, and travel. Linked to metal, symbolizing clarity and transformation.

Northwest: Mentors, helpers, and travel. Represented by metal, symbolizing support and guidance.

1. Wealth Corner (Southeast): Items you can place in the wealth corner to attract abundance.

  • Money Plant (Crassula ovata): This succulent with plump, round leaves symbolizes growth and prosperity. Take good care of it; a thriving money plant is believed to bring good fortune. This plant does not like too much water; otherwise, all the leaves will fall off.
  • Citrine Crystals: These yellow or golden crystals are known as the “merchant’s stone” and are believed to attract wealth and abundance. Keep them clean and polished for optimal energy flow.
  • Wealth Pot: This decorative pot, often filled with red paper (representing the fire element) and lucky coins (representing wealth), symbolizes attracting and holding onto prosperity. For added symbolism, you can add other items like gemstones or small jade animals.

Placement: Locate the southeast corner of your living roomor your main income-generating area. Place your chosen item(s) on a sturdy table or shelf at a comfortable height. Keep them clean and the plants healthy. Dust them regularly.

2. Health and Longevity Corner (North):

  • Items:
    • Healthy Creature Symbols: A turtle or a craneare popular choices. Turtles symbolize longevity and wisdom, while cranes represent vitality and good health. Choose a statue or painting made from natural materials like wood or ceramic.
    • Bowl of Oranges, Apples or Peaches: In Chinese culture, oranges and peaches represent longevity and good health. Keep fresh fruits in the bowl and replace them regularly to maintain positive energy.
    • The Bottle Gourd, also called Wulu (葫芦 húlu): The bottle gourd’s shape is believed to resemble the gourd used by the legendary Taoist immortal Sau to hold the elixir of life. Therefore, it’s seen as a symbol of good health and long life.

    Attract Abundance with Feng Shui

    Placement: Locate the north corner of your home, ideally in a bedroom or a room dedicated to relaxation and rejuvenation. Place your chosen item(s) on a surface that promotes calmness, like a side table or dresser. Again, keep this area clean and dust-free. Replace the oranges or peaches regularly.

    3. Happiness and Harmony Corner (Southwest):

    • Items:
      • Mandarin Ducks: These birds symbolize love, fidelity, and marital bliss. Display a pair of statues or paintings of mandarin ducks to promote happiness and harmony in your relationships. ( Please note those should always be placed in pairs)
      • Bowl of Fresh Flowers: Fresh flowers bring vibrant energy and positive chi to your space. Choose flowers in bright colours and pleasant scentsto enhance feelings of joy and connection.
      • The Power of Orange and Yellow in the Southwest Corner
      • Orange Lamp: Placing an orange or reddish-yellow lamp in the southwest corner of your home is aFeng Shui practice aimed at enhancing love, relationships, and marriage.
      • Why Orange and Yellow?
      • Orange: Symbolizes enthusiasm, creativity, and joy. It is believed to stimulate positive energy and encourage open communication within relationships.
      • Yellow: Represents optimism, clarity, and warmth. It is thought to foster harmony and create a welcoming atmosphere, ideal for nurturing love and connection.

    Placement: Locate the southwest corner of your living room or the room where you spend most of your time with loved ones. Place your chosen item(s) on a surface that encourages togetherness, like a coffee table or a dining table centrepiece.

    4. Fame and Recognition Corner (South):

    • Items:
      • Horse Statue: The horse symbolizes success, victory, and recognition. A horse statue, especially one in a galloping posture, represents career advancement and achieving goals.
      • Peacock Feather: The peacock feather represents fame, beauty, and self-expression. Display a single peacock feather in a vase or arrange it with other decorative elements.
      • Red Flowers in a blue vase: To ignite your path to fame and recognition, place a vibrant red flower in a calming blue vase within your home’s southernmost corner. This strategic placement aligns with the principles of Feng Shui, harnessing the energy of fire (red) and water (blue) to stimulate your personal star power.
    Attract Abundance with Feng Shui
    • Placement: Locate the south corner of your home, ideally in a room associated with your work or career aspirations. Place your chosen item(s) on a surface that promotes confidence and motivation, like your work desk or a shelf in your home office.

    5. Knowledge and Wisdom Corner (Northeast):

    • Items:
      • Globe: This representsknowledge of the world, exploration, and intellectual pursuits. A beautiful globe can be a conversation starter and encourage a thirst for learning.
      • Books: Books represent knowledge, wisdom, and personal growth. Display a collection of books on a shelf or create a reading nook in this corner with a comfortable armchair and a lamp.
      • Educational Tools: Display diplomas, certificates, or awards related to education or personal achievements.
      • Crystals: Known for their energy-enhancing properties, crystals like amethyst, fluorite, and clear quartz are believed to enhance focus, clarity, and wisdom.

      Placement: Locate the northeast corner of your home, ideally in a room dedicated to learning and intellectual activities. This could be a home office, a study room, or a library nook.

      6. Supportive People Corner (West):

      • Items:
        • Family Sculpture: Symbolizing strong family bonds and supportive relationships. Choose a piece of art that resonates with your idea of family, or find a sculpture depicting a happy family unit.
        • Metal Wind Chimes: The metal element associated with this direction is believed to enhance support and helpfulness.
        • Travel-themed Decor: Pictures, souvenirs, or maps can represent the supportive people who might be far away. ( Make sure thosehave positive vibes; if you regret a person or dislike this event where the picture was taken, do not display that picture.)

      Placement: Locate the west corner of your home, ideally in a room where you gather with family or friends. This could be your living room, a family room, or an entryway.

      Enhancing the East Corner: Health, Family, and New Beginnings

      Attract Abundance in any aspect of your life.

      Live Plants: Bring nature indoors with healthy, thriving plants. Bamboo is particularly auspicious in this area. Trees like a palm tree or money tree will do well in this direction.

      Wooden Decor: Incorporate wooden elements like sculptures, bowls, or furniture.

      Artwork Depicting Nature: Choose pieces that evoke a sense of renewal and vitality.

      Family Heirlooms: Items passed down through generations can strengthen family bonds.

      Important Considerations:

      • Keep the area clutter-free: Allow for the smooth flow of energy.
      • Maintain a Positive Atmosphere: Create a space that feels nurturing and supportive.
      • Personal Connection: Choose items that resonate with you and your family.
      Feng Shui Tips to attract abundance

      Enhancing the Northwest Corner: Mentors, Helpers, and Travel

      The northwest corner represents mentors, helpers, and travel. As it’s associated with the metal element, incorporating metallic items can enhance the energy of this area.

      Metal Bells: Similar to wind chimes, these can introduce metallic sounds.

      Metallic Decor: Incorporate metallic accents through vases, picture frames, or other decorative items.

      Singing bowls: Are an excellent choice for the northwest corner, as their sound vibrations are associated with mental clarity, focus, and inner peace. These qualities align perfectly with the energy of the northwest, which represents mentors, helpers, and travel.

      Additional Tips:

      • Regular Use: To maximize the benefits, consider using the singing bowl regularly for meditation or sound healing.
      • Placement: Find a stable surface for the bowl to prevent accidental damage.
      • Visual Appeal: Choose a singing bowl that complements the overall aesthetic of the room.

      By incorporating a singing bowl into your northwest corner, you can create a harmonious space that attracts supportive influences and opportunities.


      • Research-Specific Placement: These are general guidelines, and further research might be necessary to determine optimal placement based on your home’s specific layout. Consult a Feng Shui expert for a more personalized approach.
      • Intention and Care: Imbue the objects with positive intentions and take good care of them. Dust off statues, polish crystals, replace wilting flowers, and water your money plant regularly.
      • Declutter and Cleanliness: Maintain a clutter-free and clean environment to allow positive energy to flow

      Looking for More Feng Shui Inspiration?

      Visit our website at for a wealth of Feng Shui tips and resources. If you’d like a personalized Feng Shui consultation, click the link below to learn more!

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